Setup the CHPS Floating Licence Database

Setup the CHPS Floating Licence Database

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This page describes the process for creating and configuring the CHPS Floating Licence Database.

This process assumes familiarity with the following:

SQL Server database administration

Creating the database

1.Locate the Floating Licence Database Setup.sql file. This file should have been deployed as part of process for Installing the Floating Licence Service Files. The location for this file on a default setup will be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geographic Business Solutions\CHPS\FloatingLicenceService\

2.Using an elevated database user account, execute the script on a database server. Confirm the script has executed successfully before proceeding.

3.Identify a login that will be used to connect to the CHPS Floating Licence Database. Create the login if one does not exist:

a.Windows Authentication: this login will be the service account that the Floating Licence Web Service will be running as (i.e. the application pool identity)

b.SQL Server Authentication: this is an account that has been created in, and is managed by, SQL Server

4.Create a limited user in the CHPS Floating Licence Database

a.Map this user to the login identified in the previous step

b.Assign the following permissions: CONNECT, INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, DELETE

Updating the Floating Licence Web Service Configuration

NOTE: administrator privileges may be required for this process.

1.Locate the Floating Licence Service Site Files shortcut. This shortcut should have been deployed as part of process for Installing the Floating Licence Service Files. The location for shortcut file on a default setup will be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Geographic Business Solutions\CHPS\FloatingLicenceService\

2.Double-click the shortcut to navigate to the folder containing the site files.

3.Locate the web.config file and open it in a text editor.

4.In the web.config file, locate the <connectionStrings> element.

5.Contained within this element will be a connection string specification. The string format used should be one of the following:

a.Windows Authentication: Data Source=DATABASE_SERVER_NAME;Initial Catalog=CHPS Floating Licence Database;Trusted_Connection=True

b.SQL Server Authentication: Data Source=DATABASE_SERVER_NAME;Initial Catalog=CHPS Floating Licence Database;User Id=DATABASE_USER_NAME;Password=DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD
User Id should be the database user that was created for the CHPS Floating Licence Database. Password is the password for this user.

6.Using one of the appropriate formats above, replace the text in red with the appropriate values.

7.Update the connectionString attribute with the appropriate connection string (values used below are examples only), e.g.:

a.Windows Authentication:

b.SQL Server Authentication:

8.Once the change has been made, save the file.

9.Proceed to the next process: Activating the CHPS Floating Licence