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Version 1.6
Released 13th September 2016.

New Features



Removal of %Deflection column from the profile report

The %Deflection column was removed from the Profile report because it was assessed as not being accurate, useful or best practice to be calculating deflection at each terrain point.  In addition, the way it was being calculated was not robust.  As such it was removed.  Users should focus on log clearance and payload.  We have added some basic profile %Deflection calculations for users who wish to have some gauge of Deflection for a profile.

New % deflection calculations

New deflection calculation values have been added to the Profile Report.

3-point deflection calculation has been added to all profiles.

Mid-point deflection calculation has been added to the Standing and Multi-Span Skyline profiles. It is our intention to add mid-point deflection calculations to the Running and Live skyline methods in a future release.

Please not that there is a significant difference in the %Deflection between the two different methods.  This is due to the different calculation methods and associated assumptions.  Please refer to the help for a full description of the how the %Deflection is calculated.

Chord slope

Chord slope value added to the Profile Report.

"Show Control Panel" button

Located in the Configuration Window in the Generic tab.

This function can be used to reset the CHPS Control Panel position.

Demo Mode

Demo Mode allows CHPS to be run indefinitely with a restricted set of functionality.

See Demo Mode for a description of the restrictions.

Option to remove screen-shots from reports

When enabled (the default state), screen-shots will not be included in the PDF reports.

Auto-save functionality documented.

Auto-save functionality was introduced in a previous version of CHPS, but not documented. See the Auto-save topic for a description of how this works.

Enhancements  / Changes / Bug Fixes

Issue raised


Address calculation errors

An internal review of the calculation engine revealed scenarios where the payload calculations may have been under-reported.

These calculation errors affected all Skyline profiles to varying degrees, but Standing and Multi-Span Skyline profiles were most affected.

These errors have been rectified and are now in-line with the outputs from a base set of test calculations.

The test calculations (essentially test profiles with confirmed payload outputs) have been put together with assistance from Dr Glen Murphy and will be used going forward to ensure the future integrity of the calculations.

Users may wish to review recent calculations and re-run reports.  However, note that the errors resulted in payloads being under estimated rather than over estimated.

Strop Length has been moved to the Carriage Settings panel in the CHPS Control Panel.

This was previously in the Profile Settings panel.

When a Yarder is selected in the Profile Info Panel and a value is changed, all profile parameter values of all profiles under the same Yarder change to what is currently displayed on the panel, not just the value that was just modified.

The Profile Settings panel in the CHPS Control Panel has been improved to allow multiple Profiles settings within a Profile Group to be updated at once.


See The CHPS Control Panel topic for further details.

Profile point before the tailhold point would not be included in the payload calculations.

Fixed the calculation engine to ensure all profile points (except the yarder and tailhold points) are included in the payload calculations

CHPS extension would fail to register after installation in certain scenarios.

The CHPS installer has been updated so that it is able to register and unregister the CHPS extension more reliably.

Easier to change between licence modes.

When a CHPS licence has been deactivated, CHPS will now allow easier switching between licence modes, including Demo Mode.


See Licensing CHPS for information on changing the licence type.

Various issues with the CHPS Control Panel.

A number of stability and performance improvements have been made to the CHPS Control Panel

Cable diameters being reported in meters.

Cable diameters are now reported in millimetres.

Calculation for torque tension was using incorrect values.

Fixed torque tension calculation to use diameter of the selected haulback cable. Was previously using the drum core diameter.

ArcMap may crash after deactivating CHPS.

An issue with the Auto Save functionality has been addressed that would have potentially crashed ArcMap after CHPS had been deactivated.

Elevation layers within a group layer do not show up in the Elevation Layers drop-down list.

The CHPS Configuration dialog has been fixed to ensure all relevant elevation layers are populated in the Elevation tab.

On occasion, the CHPS Control Panel tool button would not display the Control Panel unless clicked a second time.

Also the toggle state of the CHPS Control Panel tool button can be inconsistent with the actual state of the Control Panel.

The CHPS Control Panel tool button should now behave as expected.

Changing between default and sidebar orientations of the CHPS Control Panel doesn’t update until after ArcMap has restarted.

In the Advanced tab of the Configuration dialog, “Enable sidebar menu” option has been renamed to “Enable vertical layout for CHPS Control Panel”.


Enabling this option now behaves as expected, i.e. updates the Control Panel orientation after saving configuration changes.

Profile graphics still on the map after deleting associated Profile Group and/or Profiles from the Control Panel.

Profile graphics will now be cleared from the map when deleting the associated Profile Group or Profile from the Control Panel

Unable to access the About CHPS dialog when CHPS is deactivated.

About tool button is now always enabled regardless of CHPS activation state.

Errors may occur when activating CHPS after a brand new installation.

Some improvements have been made to the CHPS startup process.

Various issues with the multi-span calculation logic.

A number of logic errors with the multi-span calculations have been addressed.

Known Issues



Very occasionally, the Select tool loses its ability to fully select a profile or yarder.

If the Select tool is unable to select profiles or yarders on screen, then selecting profiles or yarders via the tree view should still work. In order to reset the Select tool so that it successfully selects on screen yarders and profiles again, save the project and reload it.

A GDI+ error may appear after generating a PDF profile report multiple times.

The error seems to have no impact on the resulting report.


If any issues are found resulting from this error, please contact CHPS Support.

For some Running Skyline profiles, CHPS will still calculate payloads even when the chord slope goes through the terrain.

No workaround for this issue, however it is deemed as low impact.  Users can adjust the layout of the profiles (moving the yarder, moving tailhold location etc) to work around this issue and create a profile where the chord slope does not go through the terrain.

Profile calculations may be incorrect after loading older CHPS projects.

When loading older CHPS projects, if the payload calculations aren't as expected select each Profile Group in the project, then click the Apply Carriage / Yarder Settings button to recalculate and display the expected payload calculations.




Topic Last Updated: Tuesday, 13 September 2016